Fan Xing 范星
Royal Joh. Enschedé · 2024 · 2.000 erstellt
Fan Xing 范星
Royal Joh. Enschedé · 2024 · 2.000 erstellt

Über diese Marke
In May 2020, the Netherlands witnessed a remarkable event: the birth of Fan Xing, the first panda cub at Ouwehands Zoo. As a symbol of friendship between China and the Netherlands, Fan Xing brought not only joy but also strengthened the cultural bond between our nations. Fan Xing stayed in the Netherlands until the age of four and returned to China in September 2023 to contribute to the conservation program. This golden edition is a tribute to Fan Xing’s extraordinary journey and to the collaboration between China and the Netherlands in preserving this iconic species.
Über diese Marke
In May 2020, the Netherlands witnessed a remarkable event: the birth of Fan Xing, the first panda cub at Ouwehands Zoo. As a symbol of friendship between China and the Netherlands, Fan Xing brought not only joy but also strengthened the cultural bond between our nations. Fan Xing stayed in the Netherlands until the age of four and returned to China in September 2023 to contribute to the conservation program. This golden edition is a tribute to Fan Xing’s extraordinary journey and to the collaboration between China and the Netherlands in preserving this iconic species.

Erstellt durch Royal Joh. Enschedé
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