Imagine Ireland International Stamp
An Post · 2024 · 3.000 erstellt
Imagine Ireland International Stamp
An Post · 2024 · 3.000 erstellt

Über diese Marke
The ongoing growth and development of AI is already transforming our world, impacting on how we do business, how we communicate and how we express ourselves through art. Artist Kasia Oźmin utilised AI technology to explore the intersection of traditional and modern lifestyles, envisioning new possibilities for urban and rural settlements. The generative art used in this project allows for a creative reimagining of housing, blending the familiar with the fantastical to suggest new ways of living in harmony with Ireland’s natural landscapes.
Über diese Marke
The ongoing growth and development of AI is already transforming our world, impacting on how we do business, how we communicate and how we express ourselves through art. Artist Kasia Oźmin utilised AI technology to explore the intersection of traditional and modern lifestyles, envisioning new possibilities for urban and rural settlements. The generative art used in this project allows for a creative reimagining of housing, blending the familiar with the fantastical to suggest new ways of living in harmony with Ireland’s natural landscapes.

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